Electric locomotives

Locomotive Year built Colour Pictures Notes
L1160 23rd August 1953 V/Line orange and grey N/A Stored
L1162 4th October 1953 Blue and gold N/A Stored Operational
L1169 25th March 1954 Ghost Rider 'Texas Eagle' N/A Spare parts
E1106 1929 Blue and gold N/A Stored
E1108 1st October 1929 Blue and gold N/A Stored
E1109 1929 Blue and gold N/A Stored

Swingdoor electric trains

Unit Year built Colour Pictures Notes
107M 12th October 1888 Brown with Yellow Pin Stripe N/A Second Class Motor - Compartment - Destroyed by Fire
137M 26th October 1907 Brown with Yellow Pin Stripe N/A Second Class Motor - Compartment - Destroyed by Fire
12BT 8th December 1890 N/A First Class Trailer- Compartment - Destroyed by Fire
93M 1889 N/A Second Class Motor (Body Only) - Under Restoration

Tait electric trains

Unit Year built Colour Pictures Notes
317M 6th September 1915 Rose Red with Moonstone Grey Windows N/A Second Class - Motor
381M 6th February 1918 Rose Red with Moonstone Grey Windows N/A Second Class - Motor
470M 31st March 1915 Rose Red with Moonstone Grey Windows N/A Second Class - Saloon - Motor - Double Ended
208T 26th November 1910 Rose Red with Moonstone Grey Windows N/A First Class - Saloon
341T 8th September 1913 Red N/A Second Class Trailer
230D 19th November 1910 Rose Red with Moonstone Grey Windows N/A First Class - Saloon - Driver Trailer